Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Assignment 1

This picture has a good composition because it is balanced and contains movement.  The eye is directed to the brown leaves of the tree and moves with them because they are all of a similar color.  The path is also a focal point because of the linear movement of the light along it.  The picture has an asymmetrical balance.  The details on either side of the picture are not the same, but the visual weight is the same on both sides.

This picture has a bad composition because it lacks balance, variety, and unity.  The slide in the left side of the picture is dominant, and there is nothing of interest in the left side of the picture to balance it out.  The background blends together and looks muddy because there is no variety, and all the leaves and sticks look the same.  These factors create a feeling of disjointedness and a lack of unity in the photograph.

This picture also has a bad composition because the composition is directly in the center of the picture or "in jail."  This creates a lack in visual interest and leaves the viewer nowhere else to look.

This picture has a good composition because it has balance, repetition, and movement.  The picture has an asymmetrical balance, with the composition in the upper left-hand side of the picture.  The off-centered composition creates interest, and the repetition of color in the berries creates a movement that unifies the picture.

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